
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stealing From Others

Since I cannot think of anything to write about today, I am going to steal some topics from a few other folks. I liked what they had to say and have some to add to it.

Let's start with StB. He talked about things he has learned over the last few days. I can't let a few of those topics go by without commenting on them.
  • He could save alot of money by purchasing a hair trimmer thing. Ok, Bruce Clark. You might as well get a Flo-bee not just a trimmer. There are better ways to save money.
  • Co-workers not following directions. Some days it seems like I spend most of the time cleaning up after others. Doing the shit that they messed up and can't figure out how to fix. One of the girls (ok, woman, she is in her 50's) on my team is consistently late for things. She has more excuses than Carter has liver pills. We have a daily meeting that starts at 8:15 am. She is almost always the last person on the line. Another example of stupid people at work...One of the guys I work with had to put in some changes to a system that is used by 24 hour banking and this needs to be done off hours. The code migration guy who was supposed to actually do the change failed to show up at 2:00 am yesterday morning. His excuse... he was too tired. WTF??? Two other people who needed to be there to validate the change got their asses outta bed. These are grown men, not 22 year olds who were out partying until then.
  • Don't even think about buying your pants outta that flyer. I have seen you when you dress up, you clean up well. Don't ruin it by getting some icky pants. We would have to burn them at the next campfire.

Next blog theft is from DJW. He comments about the PBR Martini. Not a big fan of the Blue Ribbon but that does sound mighty tasty. Also, the power windows in his van got a work out. Dave, you cannot smell as bad as E. Nothing should ever smell that bad and not be dead.

Now for my original (sorta) material.


Would you rather....

Have regular encounters with aliens and not have any proof


have your best friend invisible?

I am going with the aliens, I think. Well, maybe not.... I believe that there are other life forms in the universe but not so sure I want to meet with them on a regular basis. I am pretty sure that they would not eat Reeses Pieces and revive the yellow flower that I don't know the name of.

1 comment:

Blonde said...

I would rather my best friend be invisible. She lives vicariously through me anyway, so she might as well witness all of it in person!