
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Cloudy and Crabby

I have found myself over the last few days being really crabby and starting to get short with people. I think that it has to do with the weather. It has been cloudy here forever, it seems. I miss the sun. I guess the good part of that is that it is warm out. Today's high was 41 and the low was 38. Not a big change. It has been like that for about two weeks now. Supposedly, the sun may peek out of the clouds on Friday. I hope so. I hate being crabby.

I just finished watching a really cute movie. Calendar Girls. Based on a true story about a group of 50-ish women from England, who put together a tastefully nude calendar to purchase a sofa for the local hospital where one of the women, Annie's huband recently passed away from leukemia. Long story, short, they end up on Jay Leno and make a ton of money for the hospital. It gets two thumbs up!

Was watching the start of the Rose Bowl tonite. Noticed that the USC cheerleaders had on really cute sweaters. They had a rose image behing the USC logo. Too bad they didn't fill out those sweaters better. Most had the chest of a 10 year old. Guess they don't teach Sweater Kitten 101 in college any more :(


Would you rather....

Have to dangle from a 1,000 foot cliff on a rope tied to a tree and choose to tie the knot yourself


trust an Eagle Scout with a knot tying merit badge to tie it?

Going with the Eagle Scout on this one. Some days I can barely tie my shoes. But I tend to be fairly good at tying one on ;)


WhisKeYGyrL said...

I would do it myself!! If you want something done right you got to do it yourself....If I fall its nobody's fault but my own...

Blonde said...

I would let the Eagle scout. That little freak of a kid has been tying knots his whole cub scoutin' life. I don't even wear shoes that need to be tied.

I have been crabby too. It has to be this shitty weather.

J. Gambino said...

I would let the Eagle scout do it. If I tied the knot and fell, it could be considered suicide. And if my warped Catholic upbringing has taught me anything, there is no surer way of landing in hell.

cosmopolgirl said...

oh definitely the eagle scout...and one to add to gambino's...if the scout does it and your loved ones can always sue the scouts family. Hey if people can sue for getting burned because of hot coffee why can't you sue for being an idiot.