
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Gotta Love It

Today was a strange sort of day at work.

First of all it was take your rugrat to work day.... or as StB said it was "Breeders, Take Your Spawn to Work" Day. I have said this many times before. I am not a kid person. I love my nieces but really do not want any of my own. I am perfectly happy with the dogs and bird. I can leave them in their crates all day and not get thrown in jail. I do not want to be subjected to your brats all day at work. I have to give the organizers for our building credit. They for the most part kept them out of my way. Except for the fact that the candy machine was barren by time I needed my mid-afternoon sugar rush.

My team had a meeting today with my boss's boss, T. T is a pretty good guy. I think we totally blew him away with the information we gave him. I have a feeling that my current boss will not be so for much longer. This is a good thing. Once he realized the scope of things he was shocked. Obviously, he had no idea on alot of it. He does now. We made her look good because for the most part we are a very small but competent group that is self sufficient. L and I pretty much run things. We know what needs to get done and we do it.

I told T that one of the reasons we did not come forward sooner is that we feared retaliation. Whenever you question boss on something she gets very defensive and combative. There is no reasoning with her. When she finds out that we went to her boss (who in turn went to HR and his boss) she will be pissed. I felt much better about things after he said that if she so much as says anything to us that can be construed as hostile or retaliatory towards us we are to get ahold of him or his boss ASAP and she will be dealt with swiftly (I think that means fired). The next few days will be very interesting. I'll keep you updated.

This afternoon my dad calls me at work. This is odd. Last week I had told him that if he wanted to get a new cell phone that my contract was up for renewal and he could go and get a new phone for free or for a small price which I would pay for. I told him to go to the Verizon store and go look at the phones that they had there and let me know which one he wanted. He had to call me at work to tell me which phone he liked. He liked it because it has big buttons. Is that a sign of being old when you don't care what other features it has other than big buttons?? He'll get his new big buttoned phone next week.

This is a shout out to marcus, who complains that I never tell him about what trivia questions we missed the night before. I forget to write them down. I remembered last night. So here is the final question.

What woman won a best actress Oscar for a movie that was directed by her husband? To see the answer drag your mouse over the next section of white space. Frances McDormand for Fargo. Her husband is Joel Coen. Did you get it right?? We didn't, but we still took first place.

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