
Thursday, August 10, 2006

I'm a Good Driver

Today's post is going to be about something that has been irritating me for quite a wile now. No, It is not my hubby or work, those are good guesses... Today's topic is bad drivers.

It seems like people are getting worse with their driving. I don't know what people are thinking... or maybe that's the case they aren't thinking.

Bad Driver #1....My biggest complaint is people driving while talking on the phone. I don't know how many times I get behind or next to someone who can't maintain their speed or lane because they are too busy yakking on the phone. Coming home tonite was the worst. I had some stupid idiot in a mini-van (that'll be the next thing I hate) literally driving down the middle of two lanes on 45 S. There were a few time that if I would have been the person driving next to him, I would have held my line and let him ram me. It would be my luck that the idiot has no insurance and then I would be screwed. Traffic was only going between 30-40mph so I am not sure what was so hard about driving in a straight line.

Bad driver #2.... the guy who is merging on the freeway and races to get ahead of everyone else. Why can't you just drive the same speed as others and merge in gracefully into traffic instead of trying to get one more car ahead and then making everyone stop to let you in. I don't know how many times I have seen people driving on the shoulder of the road tying to inch their way in after the merging lane has gone away. I wish that the Road Warrior feature was still in the local paper. He always is offering some interesting tidbits about the rules of the road. One of them is that current traffic does not have to let merging traffic in. So there!!

Bad driver #3.... not using your turn signal. I will not let you in if you are not using your signal to tell me what you want to do. Chances are they are also bad driver #1 and 2. I have had people flip me off cuz I won't let them merge. Too freakin' bad. The auto industry put turn signals on your vehicle for a reason, and it wasn't to hang your stupid little keychainy thing from. USE THEM!!

Bad Driver #4..... Driving a mini-van. This seems to be a given. If you are driving a minivan, you will drive like an idiot. You look like a dork driving your minivan. Get a real car or truck. You seems to think that this gives you a license to drive slow (in the left lane) and not obey the rules of the road.

Bad driver #5.... Driving slow in the left lane. If I am behind you and can see, or should I say cannot the see the color of the car in front of you because it is now just a little spot on the horizon, you are driving to slow to be in the left lane. Move your ass outta my lane. One caveat to this is if traffic is only going 30 mph get off of my ass. You ain't going no where. No one is moving. You will just have to wait it out.

My last thing is a thing is a story about something so crazy I just can't believe it happened. Last week I am driving east on Capitol dr and 124th st. It is three lanes plus two left turn lanes. The light is red. I am in the far right lane. The cars in the left and middle lanes start going once the left turn signal turns green. WTF?? There were two cars in each lane that burned the red light. My theory is that the second cars were not even paying attention except to notice that the person in front of them went so it must be ok for them to go. They are damn lucky they did not get nailed by traffic turning left from the opposite direction.

Ok, enough ranting....


Would you rather....

Have a butt full of worms


a mouth full of ticks?

Going with the worms. I am not a big fan of stuff in my mouth other than food. The ticks would then imbed themselves in my skin and that would creep me out.

Have a good weekend everyone!

1 comment:

cosmopolgirl said...

My biggest hatred is the person who used there high beams on you. I'm sorry but it the speed limit is 65 and I'm going 80, i am going fast enough. Get over it.

as for another gross one--i guess the worms. Ticks freak me out!