
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Book Review - Nineteen Minutes

I recently read a book by Jodi Picoult called "Nineteen Minutes". It is a story about a boy who goes to his high school and shoots the place up, killing several students and teachers. With the recent events I think that now is a good time to publish my review on the book.

The book takes place in a small town in New Hampshire. The boy, Peter, has been picked on by his fellow classmates his whole life. Finally, one day he has had enough. He goes to the school to seek revenge on the bullies.

The story is told from several views. The shooter, Peter. Peter's mother. A policeman who is among the first to respond. Josie, a classmate, who was injured but survived.... and Josie's mother, who is a judge that may be presiding over the case when it gets to court.

I do not want to give away too much of the book but having the story told from so many points of view really make you think. It details the bulling and abuse that Peter took for most of his 17 years. It makes you feel sorry for him. As you may remember, kids can be very cruel in high school. As the story is told from different views your sympathies change. It goes to show that even though people may experience the same event how they perceive it will vary greatly.

One of the lingering questions for me from this book it.... Is it ever ok for the victim to strike back? I still don't know the answer to this.

If you have ever read any of the author's books you will know that she always has a twist to them at the end. It really ties the whole book together.

This is a really great book to read even if you are a guy. No chick book here.

Back in March, I went with one of my girlfriends to see Jodi when she was in town at Alverno College. Here is a pic from that day.

This pic is from when she toured for the Tenth Circle in March of 2006. This is also another great book at deals with date rape. Also very highly recommended.

If you are around here and want to borrow either book let me know. I can lend them to you.
If you have read them or when you do read them, let me know. I would be interested to hear your thoughts on them.


OMW said...

If you liked that book, you HAVE GOT TO read "RAGE" by Richard (S. King) Bachman. Every time I read it I am picturing it as a movie. Hey, maybe I should write the screenplay.

OMW said...

side note--is it just me, or could the two of you be sisters?

Scott said...

I will have to check that out, another great book about the topic is Hey Nostradamus! by Douglas Coupland... check it out if you get the chance.


Blonde said...

Sounds like a great book. I can't read it because I actually lived through a school experience such as this. Hard to see it in writing and relive it again.

The recent event at VT has been horrible, and I know what those people are going through.