
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Dentyne-ism... Family and More

Dentyne-ism - #163 - If a candy bar says "Now with real chocolate" what were you eating before? I'm not sure I want to know. Arnie, do you know what we were eating before??

My sister has three kids, 11, 5 and 3. The oldest one, C, will be entering 6th grade next fall. My sister has been trying, without success, to get C into another middle school than the one she is slated to be enrolled in. According to my sister the school she is supposed to go to is rough and has shootings at it every week. Funny, but usually school shootings make the news. I have yet to hear that on my local news. So in my sister's infinite wisdom, she has decided to pull C out of school and home school her. WTF?!?!? My first thought was that she is freakin' nuts (which she is). If she pulls C out of an organized school environment C will end up no better off than my sister. My sister is not the most dedicated person and would follow thru with the home schooling for about a week. Then it would get too hard or she would be too tired or something, then here sits my niece, not in school and certainly not learning anything. Then if my sister tried to get her back into a school the next year, C would be a year behind the rest of her age group cuz no one bothered to teach her anything. To me, school is also a place to learn social interactions and skills which my sister is lacking in. I told my mom that she better do whatever it takes to keep C in a real school next year.

For those of you who don't know, my sister is not the sharpest pencil in the box. She dropped out of school during her sophomore year. She never went back to get her GED. She has never really held a decent job, and when she did get a decent job that had benefits and insurance she quit cuz her manager didn't like her. The fact that she called in sick at least once every two weeks and was consistently late was beside the point.

Needless to say, my sister and I do not get along. I have very little to do with her unless it has to do with her kids. I thought for awhile she was on the right track. She had met a guy and they ended up getting married. He is the father of my two youngest neices. He was not the sharpest guy but seemed ok. Most of you know the rest of the story to that one. I can't repeat it here but let's just say... it is not good. He is spending the next 7 years in prison. Another brilliant move by my sister was to get pregnant thinking that there was no way the judge would put him in prison with a new baby on the way. She though wrong. She was 4 months along when he was sentenced. Just what she needed... to bring another kid in the world with no dad. Now she has three kids by two dads, both locked up. It really is amazing the difference between us. One would never guess that we have the same parents. Oh well...on to something less depressing....


Would you rather....

Have a Slurpee headache for 12 hours


diarrhea for 12 hours straight?

Once again another tough choice.... I have to go with the Slurpee headache... I don't want to deal with a sore ass for 12 hours.

1 comment:

J. Gambino said...

My choice is the headache. Eventually I would hope to pass out from it. If you passed out with the squirts, that could be bad.