
Friday, October 27, 2006

Work Sucks!

What another crappy week it has been. I have been fighting a losing battle with a cold and have been in bed by 8:30 for the last few nites. I hate the fact that it has settled into my chest and I cough like a 2-pack a day smoker. Good news, I have lost like 5 lbs this week. Now to keep it off.

My old boss has yet to find more ways to screw our team over evn tho' his last day was Monday (for which he never showed up for). So on Tuesday, he comes strolling in to turn his laptop, personnel files and badge into HR.

On Wednesday, I find out that he was supposed to send some emails out to folks for their approval on something like two weeks ago. He never did so I am left scrambling to figure out what they need to say and get them out to the right people.

On Thursday, a decision that he made when he first started came back to haunt me and caused me to fix that all morning long.

Today, (I know... you are thinking how much more crap can this guy pull?!?!) I find out, by accident, that a big switch/network change that was cancelled for last weekend has been rescheduled for this weekend. Since there are already two people off and there other guy is too new, I end up doing it. Great... it means I have to get up at 3:00am, log in to VPN, make sure some routers are up, send myself a few test pages to ensure connectivity and then call into the bridge line to begin my certification... FUCK!!! It would have been nice to know this earlier in the week... old boss was getting the emails and meeting invites... never got forwarded on to us...

All I know is that I have thought about quitting more times in the last month than I have in the last 5 years. How many more times is this guy going to fuck us over and we have to pick up the pieces?? I am sick and crabby.... not a good combination.

In other work related news... company is VERY big on getting out and voting. We are a company of about 56,000 people nationwide. We have these huge posters that say stuff like: "VOTE... It's your right" (not if you are a felon or a US citizen). "Every vote counts" and more propaganda. I love the fact that all they want you to do is vote... how about telling people to make an informed voting decision?? nooooo... that would make sense.

I am pretty sure I seen a guy masturbating in his black Honda Accord on the way home the other day. While driving. In broad daylight. Down the freeway. At 65 miles an hour. Not sure what else you would be doing in a car with arm motions like that. I could never stay next to him long enough to confirm what he was doing. I thought I had seen it all... until that. Have you guys ever seen that before??


Would you rather....

As a woman, have real, although low hanging 34-Ds


have uppity, obnoxiously fake 34-Ds?

Have to say, that is not all that big. I am a 36 DD. I would love to have boobs that size. I could actually buy blouses and not have the buttons popping open at the chest or be so big that they are baggy as hell. Oh, yeah.... I am going with the real ones. Nothing better than the real thing baby!

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