
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Smoke Out

Today is 35th annual Great American Smoke Out.

I would like to take this day to encourage anyone who does smoke to make a plan to not smoke today. If you can do it today, then maybe you can not smoke tomorrow and so on. One day at a time.

The American Cancer Society offers many great resources to help you quit.

I quit smoking over 10 years ago. It got to be one day that Randy (who chewed tobacco) and I said enough is enough. We were probably both bitches to be around for the first few weeks. I know we both had our setbacks. I remember taking a puff or two, three from time to time. Especially when drinking. But eventually it got easier and easier to not smoke. I look back at it and even though I gained close to 40 lbs since then, it was still the best decision I have ever made.

I look back and think how smoking has hurt people in my life. My inlaws both dies from smoking related complications. My dad's cancer was more than likely caused by his smoking. My mom has sorta stopped but still has health issues related to her smoking. My sister seems to always be sicking and coughing. Same thing with my nieces. One of them always seems to be sick.

Since I stopped smoking I noticed that my colds have decreased in frequency and intensity. Somoe of that may be to the more healthier lifestyle I try to lead but I'm sure that by not smoking it helped my lungs have the ability to heal and stay stronger.

So, I urge you to give great thought to take this day and make it the first day of your life smoke free!

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