
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Thoughts I am Pondering

Over the past few days, I have pondered several things.

1. The shooting in Crandon. I find it interesting that one local news station has labeled the tragedy "Deputy Slaughters Six". Sounds like a book title to me. I think that slaughter is a strong word. You slaughter livestock. What he did was not kill them in a cruel manner. Jeffrey Dahmer slaughtered people. This was a shooting. Why is no one asking themselves, what is a 14 year old doing out at 3 am?? When I was 14 I had to be home by 10 at the latest. Since we lived in the country, someone's parents had to drop us off and pick us up from our destination.

2. How good is the hot dog business on 9th and Oklahoma?? I was driving on Monday and seen a street vendor selling hot dogs there. Is business that good on the corner? I did not see any customers.

3. When your Internet provider actually calls you up and tells you to fix your computer, that is a bad thing. My sister's pc was so screwed up. Road Runner actually called her and told her that her PC is the host of a denial of service attack and is sending out lots of spam. When I started working on it, my virus scan uncovered 562 virus', Trojans or worms on her pc. And that is with over year old dat files. I re-formatted it and got it back up and running. I have to go over to her house and hook it back up tomorrow.

4. At work they moved some people into the empty cubes next to me. The guy across from me is HOT!!. Found out he ran in the Lakefront Marathon on Sunday and had a respectable time of about 4 hours. Too bad he is married. The guy who sites two seats down, not hot... sleeps at his desk. We could hear him snoring this morning. Last week, he was sleeping every morning for about an hour or so. I wish I had a job that I could sleep at my desk.

5. Boomer may not be the smartest dog. Cute but not so smart sometimes. Right now is is sitting on the bed, barking at his reflection in the window.

6. I'm not ready for winter. I hate the cold weather. Ok, maybe it's not so bad but I hate driving to work in the snow even more. I want to re-live most of the summer over again. I want to go camping more. I miss it being 80 like it was yesterday. Right now it is 53 out.

7. Why do people insist on tailgating in rush hour traffic. Everyone is doing 30 mph. I cannot go any faster than the guy in front of me. Passing me (in the emergency lane of the freeway) will not get you anywhere any faster. Where is the sheriff's dept when you need them. Back off, dude.

8. OMW - it is what it appears to be. You were not reading too much into it. At this point there is not much anyone can do, except for me. I know what I need to do and must do so soon.

I think that's all the stuff I have for today.


Would you rather....

Be incapable of love



This is an interesting one. I have been sitting here for like 5 minutes now debating this in my head. It makes me sad to be incapable of either one. With things the way they are now... I am not going to answer this one for right now.

Have a good one.


Kris said...

Hope your day goes better. I wish I could go camping more as well, hate the assholes during commute, also have a not so clever dog, and wish I had a job that allowed me to snore and annoy others at the same time.

OMW said...

My love life SUCKS but I am the most honest man you will ever meet, so I don't know how to answer this.

Since I don't know what is going on, I'll just say I hope things turn ouit the way you want them to.