
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wii, Wii, Wii All The Way Home

So last week when I came home from walking the dogs, I find a Wii on my kitchen counter. Since my dad was already there that day and no one else had a key, I knew it had to be from hubby.

Funny part was that when I came back into the house I had gone in thru my office and and never went into the kitchen for over an hour. It was then that I noticed it sitting there. I took it out of the box and hooked it up. Gotta love it when they are easy to set up.

Starting off playing some baseball. I swung and missed alot. Did a game of tennis, still swung and missed alot. Next came bowling. That was fun!! I rolled a 172 my first game. Way cool. There is some skill involved with this one. Played a few more games and moved on to boxing. This is way fun!!! I was punching and sorta dodging hits. I had KO's my first two games.

Since it was Wed and almost time for trivia, I put it away for the day.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt like I went 5 rounds with Mike Tyson. My shoulders and back were freaking sore. How can a video game be that stressful on my muscles?? How can I be THAT outta shape.

So today, I go and pick up the Wii Fit from P&K. I hook it up and begin the body test. In the Wii you can create your own little person called a Mii. I made it look like me. Well once I finished my body test my Mii suddenly got fat. It looked even more like me. Pudgy!! WTF?? I don't want to have a fat Mii, I liked the skinny Mii. So that tells me one thing. I need to work out more, eat less and lose weight so my Mii can get skinnier.

I do like the Wii Fit. It has balance games like slalom skiing and ski jumping, they rock, even if I do suck. The yoga is a bit hard. The aerobic ones are kinda fun. I suck at the hula hoop. Steps are cool. They really do get your heart rate up.

Overall, Wii is a cool thing. it gets you moving, which can't be a bad thing. It is addicting. If you have the means to get one, you should.

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