
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Guy at Work

Note: I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and left it as a draft. I'm going to post it untouched. It is still applicable.

Time for some bitchin' about work....

We have a new guy that started back in March or so. He is not from this country but from Algeria. He is French and Algerian. His English is not so good. He is nice enough but...

Once of the things my group does is handle the administration for the paging devices for the company. We have about 8000 devices that we maintain. It is a full time job. When we add people to our intranet paging site, we use the name that is listed for them in the corporate address book. So if, you are Susanne Z Smith in the address book, this is how you are listed on the Intranet site. Pretty easy concept, right?? Except for the new guy... Since his English is so poor and does not quite get how people can have nicknames he is adding them twice. Once as Suzanne and again as Suzy. Well, he had been doing this for over a month without anyone realizing it. We found it last week. We had to go back over almost 200 pager orders and fix them. I know that this is a cultural issue but how can you teach that to someone?? We don't have time to go over each and every name and the potential nicknames associated to that name. We tried making him a cheat sheet for the common one but even that he doesn't follow.

Our boss had hired him without any input from anyone else on our group. He is supposedly very technical. I have yet to see that. He has been making the same mistakes now for the last 2 months. It is getting frustrating for L and I as well as the new guy. Our boss just isn't listening to us when we say that he is not working out. I think we should cut our losses and let him go. I would rather do the work myself and know it is done right than have to do my work and then check over his work and then fix anything that isn't correct.

Our boss is new to the group and has only been around since Nov of last year. She really has no clue as to what it is we do and how we do it. L and I have been doing this job for the last 4 years. We know what we are doing. Trust us.

She gets upset at me when I call her out about errors she has made. I have to bring them up or she will never know that she is doing something wrong. Bottom line...I really have no respect for her. They put her into this position and she just isn't management material. It is hard to complain about her cuz she treats of very well. But her mgmt style, or lack of a style, is very frustrating.

I am just hanging around until the end of summer. I have too much vacation time planned over the next couple of months and if I go to another company, I'll probably not get any time off.

Ok, enough bitchin'...


Would you rather....

Walk barefoot over six feet of holly leaves


over six feet of live roaches?

I am going with the roaches. They would just be crunchy. Holly would hurt.

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