
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breakin' the Law, Breakin' the Law

I recently got a nasty gram in the mail from the library. Who knew that they even sent these out anymore?!?!

Yes, I know I have had the book now for almost 7 weeks but it was over 600 pages. I did finally finish it up last night. The first three weeks I had it, I wasn't much in the mood for reading anything.

So I returned it Monday morning on my way to work. When I looked online later this afternoon, I owed $2.80. Oops. I guess I have to pay it before I can check out any more books.
Good thing I only have one that I am waiting one book from there. I was 73 of 294 holds. I got a ways to go before I get the book.


AletaR said...

Let's not let this happen again. don't want to be busting you out of jail for an overdue book.

Ha! your word verification is "mensa"

J. Gambino said...

Wow, you better hope Mr. Bookman doesn't find you.