
Sunday, March 28, 2010

... and miles to go....

In trying to be more accountable to my fitness (or lack of) goals, I signed up for It is a nice place to track your work outs.

It helps me see what I have done in the past and set new goals as I attain previously set ones.

I am tracking my elliptical use, walking and cycling. As far as I can tell, you can't track multiple activities in one post. I have not really had the time to spend digging into the site and find out all the little nuances.

I would like to get a treadmill. I'm on the fence on it. Part of me says I should get my butt outside and walk/run. The other part of me doesn't want anyone to see my fat butt running until it is not so fat. sigh....

At this point, any motivation that I can get helps. I, like many others, start the day with the best intentions but find that some days, I just don't feel like doing anything after I get home from work but walking the dogs, making dinner and vegging out for a few hours before bed.

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