
Thursday, November 08, 2007

Am I the Only One....

...who is already sick of the Christmas commercials on TV? All I see tonight is ads for Kohl's and Target. At least they are not blasting you with some obnoxious Christmas music.

No wonder people dread the holidays.


Would you rather...

Get stood up for your high school prom


take the date you dreamt of to the prom and have him or her leave with someone else??

I'm going with taking the date and having him leave with someone else. Better to have gone and had a bad time than to never have gone at all.


Scott said...

I am with you, would rather be left. There is always the chance you could leave with someone as well.

Down with XMAS music and commercials.

cosmopolgirl said...

I agree with you, go and get left. Bitch in the bathroom and by the punch bowl with girlfriends.

I am so sick of all the XMAS music and commercials, especially when you go to the stores. GAG ME PLEASE!!

J. Gambino said...

I am going with being stood up. I went to prom and my date/boyfriend beat me up after because I forgot to get him a boutoneer.